The CRED seminar takes place on TUESDAY (except in exceptional circumstances) from 11am to 12pm, in the seminar room, 31 rue Froidevaux - 75014 Paris.

• Tuesday October 15th at 11am: Clément DE CHAISEMARTIN (Sciences Po): Two-way Fixed Effects and Differences-in-Differences in Heterogeneous Adoption Designs without Stayers, with Xavier D’HAULTFOEUILLE (CREST).

• Tuesday October 22th at 11am: Daniel WALDENSTRÖM (Research Institute of Industrial Economics, IFN Stockholm): The Global Distribution of Human and Nonhuman Wealth.

• Tuesday October 29th at 11am: Claude FLUET (FSA Université de Laval): Oriented Data-Generating Processes:A Categorization of ROC Curves

• Tuesday November 12th at 11am: Dominika LANGENMAYR (KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt): Bypassing Sanctions: Hide 'N Seek in Tax Havens?

• Friday November 29th at 12pm : Chiara LO PRETE (Pennsylvania State University: Contracts for transportation capacity, competing uses of natural gas and grid reliability during winter storm.

• Tuesday January 14th at 11am: François LANGOT (Le Mans University, CEPREMAP and PSE) will present Making Fiscal Consolidation Acceptable, coauthored with Jocelyn MAILLARD (CEPREMAP), Selma MALMBERG (Le Mans University (GAINS-TEPP, IRA) et CEPREMAP), Fabien TRIPIER (Université Paris Dauphine et CEPREMAP) and Jean-Olivier HAIRAULT (PSE and CEPREMAP).

• Tuesday February 11th at 11am: José DE SOUSA (LEMMA, University Paris Panthéon-Assas): Deliver Us from Crime? Online Platforms, Gig Jobs, and Offending, coauthored with Hugo ALLOUARD (ESSEC and Université Paris-Saclay), Grazia CECERE (Institut Mines Telecom), Olivier MARIE (Erasmus University Rotterdam, IZA and CEPR), et Inès PICARD (CREST).

• Tuesday, February 25 th , 2025 at 11am: ELENA PALTSEVA (Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE), Stockholm School of Economics):
The Geoeconomics of Contract Enforcement: Coercion or Backloading

• Tuesday, April 29th, 2025 at 11am: by Juan Mora SANGUINETTI (Banque de France): Construction of regulatory complexity indicators: How does “green” regulation affect innovation?

• Tuesday May 13th 2025 at 11am: David ANDOLFATTO (University of Miami) présentera “Monetary Policy and the Great COVID-19 Price Level Shock”, co-écrit avec Fernando MARTIN

• Tuesday May 20th at 11am: Eddy ZANOUTENE (CY Cergy Paris University) présentera “How to fund nonprofits?”

• Tuesday June 17th at 9h45 am: Floris ZOUTMAN (NHH), To be Announced.

• Tuesday June 17th, at 11am : François MANIQUET, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain la Neuve, To be Announced.

Link to the working group page économie de la fiscalité.