Séminaire CRED - 11 mai 2015

Michael Melki, Université de Lausanne, "Electoral Abstention and the Intergenerational Conflict over Public Education", 10h30-12h, salle des séminaires, 21 rue Valette.

Appel à communication - 12ème colloque annuel de la fédération TEPP

Le 12ème colloque annuel de la fédération TEPP (Travail, Emploi et Politiques Publiques) se tiendra dans les locaux de l’Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II le lundi 21 et mardi 22 septembre 2015. Il portera sur le thème : Quelles régulations du marché du travail ?

Les propositions de communication, qui devront prendre la forme de papiers rédigés ou en cours de finition, peuvent être adressées à TEPP-CRED-2015@u-paris2.fr, ou peuvent être soumises directement (tepp2015.u-paris2.fr) avant le 1er Mai 2015.

Call for papers - 14th International Workshop on Spatial Econometrics and Statistics

The CRED (Paris Center for Law and Economics) and the University Panthéon-Assas Paris are happy to announce that they will host the 14th International Workshop on Spatial Econometrics and Statistics in their building close to the Panthéon, in the heart of Paris, on May 27-28, 2015.

The aim of this International Workshop is to promote and develop scientific exchanges between economists, econometricians, statisticians, mathematicians, urban planners and geographers on spatial econometrics and statistics and on their applications in several fields of economics. This International Workshop strongly encourages exchanges between senior and junior researchers as well as PhD students.

14th International Workshop on Spatial Econometrics and Statistics


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